
Monday, March 23, 2015

A to Z Challenge!

Considering the way my mind works....or doesn't, it's become necessary for me to invent ways to stay on track with this blog. I've had the freedom to post any theme, when I want or not. That's worked for me but I'm humble enough to realize I need this practice.

However, I am no wimp when it comes to a challenge and I've taken on a doozy!

During the month of April, I must and will post a blogpost 26 days! Basically, I'll post everyday except Sundays. That's the Challenge. If you want to see more info, check here:

It was just something I couldn't turn down and wouldn't.

So, batten down the hatches! Friends, you won't be seeing a lot of me! Watch out for whatever comes out!



  1. Glad you decided to take on the challenge! It is really fun and a great way to meet new bloggers! Looking forward to reading what you write :)

    Have fun with it!


    1. Thank you! Meeting other bloggers already and it just started! Cool!

  2. Looking forward to your blog challenge posts. Happy blogging!


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