Great! Now that I have your attention.
I wouldn't even go here if I didn't truly believe the world doesn't revolve around me or you, but US, collectively, whatever religion, ethnicity, culture, country, status, class, sex, or any other reason we find to separate ourselves from one another. When I wake up with these thoughts on my mind, they have to be written. I felt the need to remind and inform about a few things. You may agree or not. That's our freedom.
For now.
There is no other reason besides the following to assume this particular person's actions and behaviors portend the end-times. OF COURSE, we have no idea when that will be, if you believe it, and we aren't supposed to know. We are just supposed to be ready as it comes like a thief in the night. Every era has 'predicted it' inaccurately. I don't claim to see "signs" of anything or be in the prediction business. I just know that our time is not completely known. A day can be a thousand years and a thousand years, a day. We just don't know.
HOWEVER....Bear with me as I point out a few things and ties with Evil we haven't seen accumulate in such a short time.
Who is known as the king of LIES?
Who profits by DIVIDING humans?
Who cheers for the DESTRUCTION and DECIMATION of both the planet and its inhabitants, humankind?
Who has become the BEST at sowing discourse amongst humans not only in this country but in the World?
Who encourages HATRED of others who don't look or think like they do?
Who is breaking up FAMILIES, FRIENDS, and NEIGHBORS who don't share the same opinion of him or his 'policies'?
Who is fast becoming the voice of WARMONGERING that will lead to the END of military and civilian lives?
Who is making the idea of grabbing a woman by the P@SSY something to aspire to because you can STILL become a President if ya do?
Who is ignoring the plight of the POOR, WIDOWS, SICK, IMPRISIONED, and WOMEN, in general, and pushes the same behavior in others?
Who gets the most joy from causing CONFUSION amongst the human race in that the less facts you know, the easier you believe the crazy?
That's ten. Shall I stop here? I have more but yes, I will.
It's incredible how much confusion and ignorance is circling like vultures around the world at each word, or tweet, that comes from his mouth or tiny hands. I'm being critical. Yes. I'm being unlike my usual calmer, peaceful, loving self. Yes. Forgive me. I'll get over it in a bit. This is justified anger but not clouding my Love, as I have hope, even for him and his cronies.
Keep in mind, I'm watching the slashing of our Democracy at the hands of someone who barely reads, let alone knows anything about our Constitution and treats everything like a 7-year old laughing at a fart joke. We've all come too far to have our lives run backwards by a quarterback who only wants to make a name for himself. By the way, he is running towards the other team's goal with the ball. (Yes! A football reference! Hope it's correct.) He may, as I've also given him, be the Best Salesman in the World. But he has sold the world a bill of goods that he can't deliver. And, shouldn't.
Every day you expect something odd to come from the White House. Every day we are no longer surprised. For a while every Friday, someone was fired or arrested or resigned. Every day Trump causes some DISTRACTION so you don't notice what he is really doing. (Prestidigitation. My favorite word but not how it's used by him. It means "sleight of hand".)
Thank God for serious journalists who do their research!
The important actions he can get away with like taking Native American/Public lands and selling to oil companies (whose pipes destroy that land with spills seen recently!), signing executive orders that will do more harm than good for anyone but him and his family and rich donors, hiring nonqualified individuals to run departments and allowing them to fire most of the staff who know what's happened (i.e. Secretary of State, Department of Education, Department of Energy who actually didn't understand his job description any more than the President did!), dealing with KNOWN adversaries for tit-for-tat financial profit and/or to pay back loans and/or keep secret whatever that country has on him. He leads the tax cuts that will hurt more than help the ones who need it most. Under the cover of night, he and his party sneaked a healthcare issue into the bill, with over 400 page poorly made copies with illegible handwritten notes in the margins. He made a conscious effort to break down any type of Peace Talks that have existed for 70 years, tried to allow trafficking of killed innocent sentient animals in Africa, and, finally, he's been cherry-picking which immigrants he will 'tolerate' based on how much oil they have and how much he can make off the deal. Otherwise, he has no use for them.
Basically, none of this means he's stupid, only greedy power-hungry and underhanded. He won't even send his own emails (either he doesn't know how to or they are written proof that can be used in courts, as DJTJ just found out) but he still believes he's free to tweet every thought that comes into his head. It's a ploy. His backers, donors, supporters, and Party all have a sense of it but can't put their finger on it. Nor can I. We can only deal with ourselves and trust in God and Robert Mueller, at this point.
If my fellow Christians actually realized how off-track he is leading them from God...Well, I pray for them, too. Each time his party was in office, to get there, they made promises in order to keep the base, had opportunities to make the desired changes, and didn't. Why? It would remove the issues that divide the parties the most and then, how would they keep you separate? When the best answer to questions I ask is, "I heard...", "They say...", or "Look at (insert name here) instead." and cannot be reasonably supported, it's not a reasonable debate. Just the facts, Ma'am. Just the facts.
As with everything, and I've said it before, what we tolerate now, we accept later. And, our children and grandchildren will pay for it.
We are becoming anesthetized to his nonsense. We laugh at the talk show hosts who point out serious problems with his thinking process, his narcissistic psychopathic nature. He can only hide so much though. What happens in the dark eventually comes to light.
Meanwhile, I pray for Donald J. Trump and his family as I have for every President in office that one day soon, he will realize....
The Truth will set you free, Mr. President.
Sucarichi Reboot Challenge? Step away from the negativity today. Be kind to someone you may not know. Have a conversation with someone with differing ideas in your 'inside voice', logical, compassionate, and peacefully. Don't form opinions and responses until you've HEARD the other person's words. Silent and Listen have the same letters. Agree to disagree, if necessary. But don't fall into the trap of hatred and divisiveness that swallows us all these days. With understanding of what motivates others to believe what they do, we find understanding of ourselves.
We can be louder than the voices inside Donald Trump's head. (Oops. I said I'd chill. Sorry.)