
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Who ARE we????

Ok. I get it now.

I've posted back and forth with them. I've read the statements and articles and memes. I've watched Fox News at primetime. I get it.

We are not correct in believing all Trump Supporters to be dim, gullible, racist, or any other horrible descriptions others have stated. I'm not saying 'some' have not shown those characteristics, repeatedly. There are actual pro-Nazi far right individuals who are a danger to themselves and others.

What I've discovered is the 33%-35% of those supporters are mostly frightened, not evil. They will never admit to the rising fear and the reasons behind immature, hideous, and at times, dangerous behaviors. However, there is first a legitimate fear of  their safety and security, of losing money and having their households affected by a lack of funds, food, and freedom.

The fear stems from the decreasing number of Caucasians that was predicted in the 80's, along with the increasing number of Hispanics, also predicted. The fear, also, stems from the power African-Americans have recently shown, in the polls, and economically. They fear this will "leave them out" if they are barely surviving as a middle-class family. I want to always assure these groups they do not have to fear they will be treated as People of Color have in this country. We wouldn't do that.

The fear, secondly, is a adamant insistence on not looking at the Big Picture of Life and the World. Many are Christians but have little faith in the outcome of the World, and certainly not in God's care and love of them, personally. Therefore, they strike like a cornered animal at any changes and perceived threats to their existence. It is not an uneducated population, entirely. It is, however, a willfully ignorant one. There is no "One for All and All for One" in the United States. It's a "I'll get mine and take yours, too, if you turn your back!", Independent, Conquer and get the most toys because I'm better than you! It's a constant reminder of how very young our country is.

On that note, the final observation I've had is the fear is being stoked, daily, to keep the flames high, harmful, and to distract. I have my problems with the Left as much as with the Right. Neither is all correct or all wrong. You can see and hear some pretty ugly stuff coming from the "Left" on the daily, too.

All can benefit from the following: you can open your eyes, look, read, think, and ask simple questions like "Why? to discover the truth of what's happening around you. If you see the President of the United States lies about everything then ask yourself "Why?". If you see the President resisting what is politically, socially, and morally acceptable, ask Why?. If you see the House of Representatives seeking more and more information, ask "Why?". If you see Senators fighting like mad to defend the President's lies, ask yourself "Why?". If you see the Mueller Report being delayed release to the public, while Clinton's was out in two days, ask yourself "Why?".

Ask yourself why you were willing to accept a man who harassed women physically, and admitted to it on tape of grabbing them by the pussy, walked into teenager's dressing room during pageants to see them half or undressed, bragged that he paid zero taxes because he is "smart", speaks in nonsense sentences without a beginning, middle or end, like a 3rd grader giving a report on a book he didn't read, who disrespects the Constitution of the United States like it is a mere suggestion not the basis upon which we govern out society, has committed tax, bank, and insurance fraud, calls people names like a school bully, and, generally, has brought the dignity of the Office of the President down to where no one in the World respects us in the same way anymore, ask yourself "Why?" WHY did I select this person?

Did I believe he'd make me rich like him? (He's only 'rich' on paper, btw.) Did I think he'd be different than all the other politicians? (He is. He's definitely not a politician but that also means he has no idea what he's doing in office.) Did I think my business would do better with him in office? (It might be. It would be the cause of the previous administration's work kicking in, not anything done in the past two years, though.) Was I thinking he'd be good for manufacturing in the U.S. and jobs and the economy? (The tariffs he started are costing farmers their farms, increasing prices for consumers of Walmart who gets almost everything from China, and companies are closing plants in droves. That is the great 'business mind' he has at work.) Did I fear the brown people coming over the border and knew he'd stop them? (If  he closes the border as he now threatens, it will cost the country 1 Bil per day, he has no 5th Century wall, and speaks of caravans of 'bad' people who are those seeking asylum as your ancestors did.). Or did I think Trump would just be fun to watch? (Having fun yet?)

My point is that there are many reasons Trump ended up as president. We can stop trying to understand that "Why" now. My 'Why" is Why would anyone still want to keep him there now or in 2020 after he's wrecked the country. It will be years before we recover from the damage he has done. I get it. You, personally, are doing ok. But what about the rest of the country. What about the polarization that has taken us back almost 100 years with each other? What about programs for the underserved he's cutting?  Do you truly not care as long as you get yours? If you are a Christian or any other religion that cares for others, that's a strike, isn't it?

You can no longer call yourself a lover of mankind as you've centered only on your own self and family. You cannot say you are a good person if you don't care about your neighbor's suffering. You cannot claim all the riches you can because despite what you think, that will not bring you the peace and security you desire. If you shut the door and your ears to others' plight, the voices will still be there and you will have to explain to your children why you are ignoring them. You will have to explain why you support an ignorant, mean and classless President who brought down America for his personal profit and you cheered him on in your bright red hat. Or you quietly sat and pretended you didn't  vote for him and said nothing as the damages occurred. I don't know which is worse. Are you still fighting your family and friends about him? Are you truly willing to continue to risk relationships over Trump? Do you feel that he is worth it? Do you feel your greed is worth it? Is your Soul worth it?

Sucarichi Reboot Challenge? BOTH sides...Watch a different news channel with an open mind. Get a different view. See actual facts and think and compare. Figure out which might be true. Grow in your thinking and in your responses to others that disagree with you and learn to discuss, rather than insult. Lastly, pray about it all, and love one another.

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