
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Is it Hard to be NICE?

I think so. Because, in my opinion, it's not a real word. It doesn't require anything of you.

Nice is what someone says to not hurt your feelings about an outfit that doesn't look good.

Nice is how you describe a meal you didn't care for but pick at for the hostess' sake.

Nice how we think others see us.

Nice is the equivalent of today's 'fine', 'ok' and 'whatever'. It's a non-descriptive non-committed word.

I prefer words that fully describe feelings and leave no doubt. Recently, I've jumped on the word "Care" as a verb. Care is an action word. It involves someone besides yourself. You either do or you don't.

  • 1. feel concern or interest; attach importance to something: "they don't care about human life"
  • 2. look after and provide for the needs of: "he has numerous animals to care for"

On the First "Lady's" trip to show compassion for others or whatever her intention, she revealed, she may or may not care. Her husband shows again and again he does not care about everyone. The people that support him, I have hope for. If I don't have hope, I have nothing.

Citizens have allowed brazen and disgraceful behavior to become the norm in the United States. I refuse to believe it is because people don't care. I want to believe it is because of a misplaced sense of survival, they don't recognize it or know how to confront it. Perhaps people feel weakened. They may feel there is nothing to be done and no way to help others. If the mindset is to accept the flourishing corruption in our country, the demise of Democracy and rise of not caring, we are ALL in a profoundly scary place.

The bells are chiming lately to be 'civil', aka nice. The humans hearing that actually believe they ARE. Where is the disconnect?

The disconnect is because we tend to think in terms of black and white, not only in skin color, but for every issue you can name. Let's face it. It's easier that way. This is Good. They are Bad. They are all Rich. They are all Poor. The White Hat wins. The Black Hat loses. We are Smart. They are Dumb. They are the Elite. We are the Elite. We are Honest. They are Crooks. We tell the Truth. THEY are liars. We are Right. They are Wrong. We are Moral. They are Sinners. Ooh. That's a tricky one!

As divided as we have become on many issues since the never-ending campaign for this presidency, those same issues are bringing to light one glaring similarity. The statements above could be coming from the Right OR the Left. In fact, you will hear each one from both sides. Why do others not see that?

They don't care?

I listen to news channels discussing politics too much these days. It is akin to seeing a couple of Kindergartners in a sand box. They play while saying what they want. The talk doesn't have to be related to what the other is saying at all because neither child is really listening. However, an ear will perk up if one hears the word "ice cream" or "Superman". In the 'grownups' case, it's when they hear the catchwords "right" or "left". I find the demand to identify with a side fascinating!

Cities are gathering this weekend to protest America's recent disgraceful Immigration policy of separating children at the borders from their parents without a solid plan to house or return them. I'm glad for anyone showing they care. I'm sad it took this to display it.

I love Rachel Maddow and how she presents news. I wept with her reacting to small, confused and frightened immigrant children. Now, don't scream at me. I want to open a discussion also related to children. Where are the tears and protesters when children are being separated from their lives in their mother's wombs? Where are they when foster children in the system already in the country need homes and stable families...of any sexual orientation? Where are they when children are being raised with trauma disorders, merely from being a certain color in this country? Where are they when those same children are exposed to violence from their neighbors and from those hired to serve and protect?

The ones gathering at rallies to support policies displaying who we are NOT in this country should look within and at the religion they profess to be. Demonstrations of Christianity should bring others to God, not cause others to joke and sneer at Him and call you out as a hypocrite. Actions speak louder. LOVE speaks volumes! Caring is a start.

We are distracted by labels when caring for the Poor and disenfranchised should be our focus. We are stunted by our failure to communicate while sitting smackdab in the middle of the dwindling Middle-Class. Somehow we have lost our sense of what it means to be human and to care about fellow humans. The "self-made man" hears hackneyed words of "love of brothers and sisters" because they don't need anyone (pride) and anyone who needs help is weak (Ahem, Pride.) and to mention you need help is a weakness (Yo!! PRIDE!). The result is a failure to care.

No one is asking for you to reach into your wallet constantly. To be honest, the Poor seem to understand what is real in life, i.e. Faith, Love family and human dignity. The rest just have a 'nicer' house and 'better' food. The Poor learn to care from a young age, to read faces and behaviors and care about what they find. They learn to share and to survive with others. The downfall of a neighbor is their downfall. The dignity of a man is important to his family's survival. An ability to care for a child is a mother's strength. The rest, well, they have the latest smartphone.

How distracted are we to not see money does not make one virtuous nor does title and power? It doesn't even provide so-called Happiness. Seeing each person AS a person helps. No one has a patent on loving and supporting a family. Realizing we are ALL on this very fragile planet and only separated by water and ideals helps. Letting go of biased opinions and seeking to meet and understand others helps. Seeing others as we see ourselves helps. Not being an Us and a Them helps.

Nice doesn't help. Caring does.

Reboot? Review what issues and beliefs you have in common with the other "side" as a they are. What can you do to show you care?


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